Hi friendly people!
Lately I've been soaking in my thoughts about growing up and this incredible year ahead of me... 2014! I'm pretty excited to embark on this new journey of physical and mental adulthood. So many things are happening this year and I'm just going to be FEARLESS!! I know now that fear can prohibit your growth, and that word will not be a part of the new year. Sorry Fear. :)
So, I watched a fantastic video the other day (THE VIDEO) and it completely was what I needed to get myself on track for what exactly I want to accomplish in the new year. I've created a road map and bucket list for 2014 and hopefully I can master everything, but my goal is definitely half.
Here it goes:
Winter 2014
January-March: Last internship of my college career. I plan to intern for a PR firm that incorporates special events. This will help me gain the hands-on experience in PR and Events that is imperative for my next step.
Spring 2014
April-June: Graduation Time!!!! I'm super excited about graduating and my goal is to get on the Dean's List again!
Summer 2014
July- September: Once graduated, I'm preparing for my big move to California! Santa Monica or Los Angeles has quite a few fashion public relations firms, hopefully I can make the cut! Of course I will. "Fingers Crossed!"
Fall 2014
October-December: After the big move, I will come back to Georgia in November to compete for Miss Georgia USA. I'm super excited to be making it back to the stage and nevertheless, I will be PREPARED!
Okay, so that wasn't so bad... I think these are pretty easy to accomplish, but now I have a long list of crazy, fun 25 year old bucket list to accomplish before the year is out. Here we go:
1. Workout. Since I am competing again, it's imperative to stay active to avoid the stress of cramming fitness in at the end of the year. My goal is to make more time to run and the gym.
2. Pay off student loans. Okay, maybe won't get done in one year, but I can at least try! I would hate to prolong this very unfortunate situation.
Run a 5K. There are so many fun 5Ks throughout the year and after
registering in advanced, I will feel more prone to staying active and
keep running throughout the year.
4. Photoshoot. This comes with the pageant territory, but I want to do something adventurous or sexy. Maybe a bikini shoot?? Maybe.

5. Learn to swim. Okay, so I know how to swim a little, but I want to learn to swim like a pro! Swimming lessons on Groupons.... I'm buying!
6. Go to Hawaii as my own graduation present. I love photos of Hawaii and I've never been, so it's a must.
7. Build a water well in Africa. This has been a dream of mine for about three years. I've never done something so everlasting and humanitarian-like. I think water is life for all people, and it's sad to hear stories about people not having it or having to walk so far to get it. For $8,000 I can build one in Africa. BIG GOAL!
8. Visit a Beer Festival. I'm not a huge beer drinker, but I have acquired the taste for the tarty, bitterness. I would love to visit a beer fest. Let's Go!
9. Drive to a wine vineyard. I'm not an alcoholic. But wine is my favorite dish. I love all types, Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet, you name it, I love it all.
10. Go to SXSW, Tommorow World, or Coachella. These are the hugest music festivals of all time and I've always wanted to camp out and go.
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