Thursday, June 28, 2012

Calls with my BFF

Tonight, I had the best conversation about life choices, handling people, and tackling goals with my bff who seems to go through similar things as me at the same time. I am very thankful to have a person, (a big sister), to be a positive reinforcement in my life. I currently have been 'coasting' (yeah, that's a good way to put it), meaning doing enough to get by without making drastic decisions too soon. I only know two things about what I love to do: lead and explore my creative potential, sometimes on a daily basis.

She has helped me in the past realize that I am in 100% control of my destiny. As you are, too! She advised me to keep my character, whether it be in a relationship with the love of my life or a job that I adore that isn't giving me the perks I want. Either situation involves me making decisions based on what? My happiness.

Happiness. That is the key to success in life. Do what you love and you'll never work again. Keeping positive people in your circle definitely helps. I'm talking about positive people that are actually happy for you when something good happens in your life.

Know when to fold them. Keep people away (and don't feel bad about it) when they show you who they are.

Always pay yourself first. <--- this is the one I always have an issue with. I tend to do for others and look out for other's interest before my own. It's pretty much a curse and a blessing. I'm thankful for my considerate and thoughtful character, but sometimes it does get the best of me. It d r a i n s me at times. I think this is one of the biggest things she has 1. brought me out of Denial City about (yes, that place really does exist), and 2. help me understand how to break this habit.

Now, the thing that she brought to my attention tonight is one that will from now on be my biggest lesson of all....

Prioritizing: placing things in order of the most importance and timeliest. This is what I'm working on now... devising a  MASTER PLAN to knock out the most important things in my life FIRST to be able to continue on a path of Happiness!

Thanks Kimmy! Love our talks!

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