Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Neiman Marcus Cake Recipe

Today, I made a Neiman Marcus cake. The Neiman Marcus cake is a cream cheese topped cake with a crunchy bottom. Just had a piece and it was Great! Very sweet and made my sugar go up, but if you're not looking for a sweet treat, you shouldn't be looking for this recipe anyway!

You will need:
Cake Part:
Vanilla or French Vanilla Cake Mix (not Yellow or White cake mix)
1 Egg
1/3 Melted Unsalted Butter

1 8oz Philadelphia Cream Cheese
2 Eggs
1 Cup of Confectioner's Sugar
1 Tablespoon of Vanilla Extract
1 Lemon

9 by 13 inch glass pan

  1. Grease the glass pan with nonstick or butter and set aside.
  2. Combine the cake mix, 1/3 butter, and 1 egg and beat until completely mixed together. Then, pat the mixture into the bottom of the pan. 
  3. Now, beat the cream cheese until smooth. Use a grater to grate the yellow part of the lemon into the cream cheese. Squeeze the lemon juice and measure 2 tablespoons and pour into the mixture. Combine the sugar, gradually, and beat until smooth. 
  4. Use a spoon and measuring cup to measure 1/2 cup of cream cheese and store into the refrigerator for later. 
  5. The rest of the mixture will be used for the cake. Crack two eggs and beat into the mixture. Add vanilla extract. pour on top of the cake batter mixture and heat in the oven for 30 minutes. Stick a wooden pick into the cake after 25 minutes to make sure the cake is done. 
  6. Frost the cake with the cream cheese from the refrigerator when the cake is cooled. You may refrigerate if you want a cooled cake. 

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