Monday, July 9, 2012

Sticking To Your Diet

There's a saying, "Too much of a good things is bad." That saying couldn't be more than true when it comes to eating and staying healthy. You should always have balance in whatever you do. Eating is no different. You can face your fears and cancel everything out of your diet that is unhealthy, but that takes guts and lots of discipline. I'm not saying it's easy, because it isn't. Temptation is everywhere!!
I'm no exception. My go to snack is the Minute Maid Frozen Lemonade (OMG So Good)... but with the added sugar and high carbs, it's not a healthy choice. I try to limit eating those on the weekend when I'm most active. Hopefully, when it gets cooler outside, I can limit the to zero! =)

 I also love french fries. Not all of the time, (thank God), but I do love them. I probably eat them once a month. Not really a crav-a-holic... And yes. That's mayonnaise... there's no other way to eat a french fry!

I'm going to teach you how to stick to your diet
  1. Use a Food Diary/Journal: The more you keep up with what you eat, the more you are aware of how you eat. You'll be more susceptible to changing your diet if you know exactly what you are doing wrong. Jot down your meals, snacks, and cravings for that day. Monitor your water intake also. This is important!
  2. Stay away from your enemies: Many times diets fail because we think we are able to overcome cravings easily. Do NOT underestimate the power of a craving! Never! They are evil and they speak!! Stay away from the cookie and cereal isle when grocery shopping. Write a list before going. Do not drive by your favorite bakery. Let your friends know you are dieting and ask them to give you support. That way, if they want you to go out, they can remind you not to order the triple bacon cheeseburger, but the salad. You will need that reminder. Dieters tend to think we are immune when we go out. I know you forgot! *Side eye*
  3. Count your calories: When you don't count calories, you may end up eating 100 over, 200 over, 500 over your daily caloric intake. This is another thing to put into your diary/journal. 
  4. Watch those Carbs: Carbs have a bad rap! Rightfully so, because they are hard to burn off. You also want to watch how many carbs a day you take in. To lose weight you need to limit carbs to 20 grams. If you workout more, you can up those to 40. 
  5. Do something else besides eat: When you are doing something else, you aren't eating. Pick up a hobby, a sport, a new exercise routine. The more you are active or being a creative genius, you are not eating or thinking about eating.

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